Tom Fry
2 min readNov 4, 2021


I overheard a man talking on

the phone to what I can assume

was a bank teller or a pharmacy.

A live person

and a boring phone call.

He needed to spell his name out loud

and when he got to the letter “K”

he said, “K as in Kangaroo”

skipping quick words

like “kite”.

What a fun word.

This man is not much older

than me but seemed like

the age that you outgrow fun.

But I can appreciate people who

understand how sacred daily

doses of fun are — a

teaspoon of creamer in

otherwise always-black coffee.

This man probably picks a blue pen

Out of the communal cup of pens

at his workplace — even though

they all write in black ink — because

blue is his favorite color.

I doubt he had much more to say

about kangaroos than most children — who

only know the pouch , a famous

trait of this marsupial.

Though I can’t help but think

this man has a history with kangaroos —

the person who I shake my fist at for responding to an online job listing I came across for Full-Time Apprentice Animal Keeper

at the nearby zoo — which I noticed had disappeared a week later.

If this is the case, this man has bypassed internships and has a notable 2 + years of close-contact animal handling experience.

This man has skills in but not limited to cleaning, feeding, watering, securing, grooming, observing, training, and record-keeping.

Within this phone call he has hinted that he has maintained exhibits — a smirk in his afternoon errand — manipulating

heavy food items, hoses,

bales of hay, while also

participating in required

lectures, seminars, workshops,

and educational programs. His

resume would mention he

is no stranger to heavy lifting

and has an impressive

knowledge of specie-specific

nutrition plans — which makes

sense given we were both

in a gym locker room during

the time of this phone call.

A beautiful space to share at 2 PM —

knowing this slightly taller,

nearsighted man has additional

duties assigned later in our day.

Captures, restraints, transports,

and gentle tasks —

assisting with medication,

night feedings,

and births.

He has worked weekends,

holidays, special events,

and knows that at eight months

the Joey’s legs are strong

and independent enough

to live outside of the pouch

and walk on their own.

And me — with

my slightly-less impressive

resume to compare —

truly believe there

are other words

that would come

up first for

the letter “K” .



Tom Fry

Non-fiction writing student. Abandoned essays and attempted poetry.