Tom Fry
Apr 18, 2022


I like to picture us on our best days,

our confident posture,

facing each other

despite our height difference

As two columns of light ,

upright and not blinding .

The comfortable light in the kitchen

when you want water between sleep

The comfortable sleep

between legs

and lamp shades

warm and no longer upright

Because this is how I like to picture us

As light with clear color

As orbits — waving like ovals

from a calendar

As shapes surrendering to earthly gravity

As two structures


As two pillars with separate strength

As two recognizable

by a finger pointing at sky

in different directions.

Because i like to picture us two

sharing space

and light

and warmth

and kitchen

And water between sleep

and space between legs

and sleep between orbits.



Tom Fry

Non-fiction writing student. Abandoned essays and attempted poetry.