Background Noise

Tom Fry
2 min readJan 6, 2021

Poetry is like a friend

with an impossible schedule;

beautifully there

when I am busy with other thoughts,

humming behind a wall

like a conversation in the next room.

Or like a deer I find in the forest

the moment before I

take out a camera,

moving with the same

grace an animal has

when it’s not being watched.

Poetry is probably best left alone;

camouflaged in the

background of my day

like a single dandelion

in a field of a thousand more,

unbothered until a gust

of wind picks it up

and places it

conveniently on my shirt.

I’m told that the right idea

is to treat poetry like a day of fishing -

to cast the line and

do nothing,

and hope that whatever

tugs ends up being

more than a heavy stick.

But poetry didn’t find me yesterday while walking the dog.

Or today,

while eating a meatball sandwich.

Maybe it will

check under the covers

while I’m not home

and I will come back

to a made bed.

Maybe it will find me tomorrow,

when it rains, and I’ll be

drinking tea out of a thermos.

Or maybe it will startle me,


throwing back the curtains

while I am blinded by shampoo

and I will yell,

covering myself,

to come back later

at a more appropriate time.



Tom Fry

Non-fiction writing student. Abandoned essays and attempted poetry.